About us
The Barnes Fund and Walsingham Lodge Trust have a corporate Trustee, The Barnes Fund Trustee Ltd. A private company limited by guarantee
The Company name and number is The Barnes Fund Trustee Limited 10873803
The Charity names and numbers are The Barnes Fund 200103 and The Walsingham Lodge Trust 200103-1
Our Vision: the following describes why we exist and what we want to represent within our community
The Barnes Fund will be our community’s first choice grant funding organisation, that exists to support the needs of the people of Barnes.
Walsingham Lodge, our sheltered housing almshouse in Ferry Road, is an integral part of who we are and what we do
Our Values: the way that we work and how we interact with the people we work with and for is hugely important to us. In order to ensure that we treat people how we ourselves would like to be treated we try our utmost to work within the following values.
Being known by and accessible to all Barnes people; listening to them and treating them as valued human beings, who may be in need of support
Being unerringly trustworthy. Treating people and protecting their personal data with the utmost respect and care
Helping people with kindness and consideration and with respect for their individual circumstances and backgrounds; offering our time and resources to the benefit of others, balancing our resources
Consulting and working closely with individuals and other organisations to optimise the support available for Barnes’ residents and to build a better community for all